The operating objectives in the project description present a dilemma, specifically a catch-22. Any social mechanism put in place to impose a free society is itself a restriction of freedom, the freedom to choose a social structure, one of the most fundamental human rights. One solution is to create an environment where it is possible to establish many different social structures, and set up the initial society to our own specs. One of those specs is that our sovereign society should deal with other societies by applying the same standards we apply to relations between sovereign individuals. Another is to not only tolerate, but even facilitate the presence of individuals and groups with other lifestyles in the same environment, but on their own turf. That environment is one or more aggregates of modules floating in international waters. The key to that environment is a means of production of affordable modules, and enough free-enterprise infrastructure to support life (eg food, water, power, transport).
The social model I am proposing is that of a publicly owned business, where control is based on equity, not majoritarianism. A business needs a charter, so here it is:
We, the founders chose to initiate and operate an enterprise for mutual benefit, which will be referred to as the Company. The purpose of the Company is to a) generate wealth for the stockholders by engaging in profitable activities providing goods and services for a fee, b) operate facilities for production of modules for its own use and for sale, and c) provide, quid pro quo, a core of modules and services that support a livable environment in mid-ocean.
The Company is initially privately held, and the Founders are the initial stockholders. Shares of stock are votes, and holders may designate proxies to represent them. Issues subject to vote are what the stockholders say they are. 5% of shares are required to put an issue on the agenda. A quorum of 60% of shares is required to validate a vote on an agenda issue. Issues not decided by vote default to the operating managers. Changes of management are voted on a yearly basis and a majority of 60% of shares is required to make such a change. A majority of 90% of shares is required to except or change this charter.
One division of of the Company is a pay-as-you-go, for-profit services provider with no authority. It may sell water, power, sewer, garbage, and data services, and the transport of persons and property to and from other places. Individuals and groups can elect to provide some or all of their own services, or sell them to others.
Control of property is based completely on ownership, not coercion. An individual's privacy and body are their property. The fruits of their labor are their property. Property is anything over which one has established control without initiation of force and chosen to posess. Ownership of property can only be transferred voluntarily.The Company initially builds and owns all the modules, though individuals can buy and sell modules, or make their own.
Individuals or groups which don't like the way the business is operated have these options: They can start their own, disconnect and go their own way or stay in the area. They can remain attached and provide their own services or continue to buy them from the company. They can sell their modules and stock back to the Company (at it's discretion).
The owner of a module has complete control of access to, and occupancy of their property. If the Company considers someone's activities harmful, or for any other reason, it may disconnect from private modules.
“No initiation of force” is the only behavioral constraint that can be forced on another. Obvious harm is considered force. Individuals are responsible for their own security and defense against force. Security and defense are services which may be sold by the company or by any other individual or group. Forced restitution for real harm, in proportion to that harm is a form of defense. Restitution can take the form of property or services, but not the form of reciprocal harm or restraint. Binding arbitration of disputes is a service like any other.
The Company, or anyone else, may choose to provide for defense against organized outside force. To some extent, this may benefit private modules. No one can be forced to pay for something they don't want, or something that benefits another.
These are the terms of access to Company property, and by setting foot on that property, individuals agree to them.